
  • International Journal of Hospitality Beverage Management
    Vol. 1 (2017)


    After many years of publishing in the beverage area, we identified a serious lack of journal offerings when it comes to the growing area of beverages and their importance in the hospitality industry. As beverage sales continue to be an extremely important part of the hospitality industry’s bottom line, it is becoming a much more complicated field to understand- if not just for the millennial’s influence, but also for the sheer volume of choices. 

    There are wine journals that are quasi-linked to hospitality but they are mostly focused on wine marketing. Hospitality journals occasionally publish beverage papers, but as a lot of them tend to be applied research instead of theory based research, it is becoming increasing hard to find a home for these papers. Marketing journals, often see beverage papers as un-relatable to other product categories.

    With the help of an amazing editorial board and responsive reviewers, we are hopeful that this new journal will help to bridge the gap between beverages and hospitality, while embracing applied and theoretical research that can be tied directly to industry application.