Craft Beer Consumers' Lifestyles and Perceptions of Locality


  • John Long Texas Tech University
  • Natalia Velikova Texas Tech University
  • Tim Dodd Texas Tech University
  • Sheila Scott-Halsell



craft beer culture, craft brewery, market locality, consumer perception


The study aimed to add to the body of knowledge about the craft beer market by developing profiles of South/Midwest U.S. craft beer consumers. Data were collected via a self-administered, structured survey distributed at a craft beer festival. Descriptive statistics, cross-tabs, exploratory factor analysis, cluster analysis, and ANOVA were utilized for analysis. Major findings articulated consumers’ perceptions of local craft beer, the lifestyle types that are most prevalent among craft beer drinkers, and how lifestyle affects consumption habits and purchasing decisions. The research suggests that lifestyle grouping is an effective way to segment the craft beer market. Findings on perceptions of locality and purchasing motivators will help industry professionals refine their marketing practices to effectively target each of the five identified craft beer consumer segments.


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