Organic Wine: The Influence of Biospheric, Altruistic, and Egoistic Values on Purchase Intention, Willingness to Pay More, and Willingness to Sacrifice


  • Imran Rahman Auburn University
  • Dennis Reynolds University of Houston



organic wine, Schwartz's values theory, Stern's nomenclature, social adaptation theory, green signaling


This study developed a conceptual framework for understanding consumers’ behavioral intentions regarding the purchase of organic wine. Based on Schwartz’s values theory, using Stern’s nomenclature, in conjunction with social adaptation theory, altruism, and green signaling, we analyze the role of values in forming organic wine purchase intentions, the willingness to pay more to purchase organic wine, and the willingness to sacrifice quality to purchase organic wine. A self-report consumer survey, operationalized by structural equation modeling, revealed the significant influence of biospheric values on all three types of behavioral intentions. We could not establish significant support for altruistic values while egoistic values influenced only purchase intention with respect to organic wines. Consumers seem to care about personal health benefits and social status when they purchase organic wines. However, heavy wine drinkers tend to focus on the intrinsic attributes of wines rather than their extrinsic benefits. Numerous implications and takeaways are discussed.


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